Women Act assisted Strengthening the Rule of Law and Human Rights Protection System in Nepal Programme (RoLHR)/UNDP in sharing and dissemination of various acts and laws at national level. A national level sharing and dissemination workshop was organized in June 2017. This high level event aimed to disseminate, raise wider awareness and have discussions on; (i) Domestic Violence (Offence and Punishment) Act 2009, (ii) Sexual Harassment at Workplace Prevention Act 2015, and (iii) GESI related laws and policies. Parliamentarians from various political parties and representatives from Parliamentarian Committees, Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, Ministry of Home, Attorney General’s Office, Supreme Court, Women Police Cell, BAR Association, experts and scholars from the concerned sector and media were present at the event. The gaps and weaknesses of the acts and bills were discussed and identified for the improvement in the future.